Chief Investigators: Dr Alex Sen Gupta and Dr Alejandro Di Luca

Co-PI: Dr Daniel Argüeso Barriga and Dr Nicolas Jourdain

We have been granted 327,316 AUSD to implement a regional coupled atmosphere/ocean model to determine under what circumstance small-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions are critical for the simulation of the Australian climate..

Decision makers assessing climate impacts and adaptation require credible projections at sufficiently fine spatial and temporal scales to be useful. Our aim is to quantify and understand how small-scale, rapidly evolving ocean and atmosphere phenomena (e.g. ocean eddies, weather systems) that are poorly resolved in coarse-resolution Global Climate Models (GCMs) and air-sea interactions absent from high-resolution Regional Climate Models (RCMs), alter the simulation of local climate, and how these factors modify future climate projections. This will be achieved using a hierarchy of experiments using the coupled regional climate model NOW (NEMO-OASIS-WRF).


  • Li, Y., Jourdain, N. C., Taschetto, A. S., Sen Gupta, A., Argüeso, D., Masson, S., Cai, W. (2017). Resolution dependence of the simulated precipitation and diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent. Clim. Dynam., 48 (11), 4009–4028. doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3317-y

  • Samson, G., Masson, S., Lengaigne, M., Keerthi, M., Vialard, J., Pous, S., Madec, G., Jourdain, N. C., Jullien, S., Menkes, C. and Marchesiello, P. (2014). The NOW Regional Coupled Model: Application to the Tropical Indian Ocean Climate and Tropical Cyclones Activity. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6(3), 700-722. doi:10.1002/2014MS000324