Using python on Irene-Rome (TGCC)
It is currently not possible to use conda to install modules. You could use the provided python modules (see module avail
), but without any possibility to add python modules. Here is described a way to build your conda environment on another linux machine and import it onn TGCC.
Pack python environment from another machine (here dahu)
Log onto dahu, e.g.:
ssh -X wmunk@dahu
Find the install script on the miniconda page and download it, e.g.:
cd ~
bash # accept to initialize Miniconda3
. ~/.bashrc
Then create a python environment (here “py37”) with all the potentially useful modules, e.g.:
conda create --name py37 python=3.7
conda activate py37
conda install numpy ipython netcdf4 xarray matplotlib scipy pandas pillow
conda install dask
conda install zarr
pip install watermark # load with '%load_ext watermark' # print versions with '%watermark -v -iv'
conda install cartopy
conda install -c conda-forge cmocean # nice colors for ocean plots
conda install -c conda-forge papermill # to run notebooks like scripts
conda install -c conda-forge gsw # Gibbs sea water equation of state
conda install -c conda-forge xmovie # to create movies from xarray objects
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch # Machine Learning
pip install tensorflow # Machine Learning
conda install -c conda-forge vtk # For Elmer/Ice's outputs
pip install conda-pack
conda update -n py37 --force-reinstall --update-all # may be needed to avoid errors due to pip overwritting conda stuff
Then, check that you have everythng and pack:
conda list
conda pack -n py37 -o condapack_dahu_py37.tar.gz --ignore-missing-files
Then, copy condapack_dahu_py37.tar.gz and the miniconda installation bash script onto Iren-Rome (in the WORKDIR):
scp -p condapack_dahu_py37.tar.gz <MYLOGIN><MYPROJECT>/<MYLOGIN>
Unpack the conda environment onn Irene-Rome (TGCC):
Then, log onto Irene-Rome and unpack:
ssh ${MYLOGIN}
module switch dfldatadir/<MYPROJECT>
cd /ccc/work/cont003/<MYPROJECT>/<MYLOGIN> # where the 2 aforementionned files have been copied
bash # choose to install in /ccc/work/cont003/<MYPROJECT>/<MYLOGIN>/miniconda3
# accept that the installer initializes Miniconda3 to get the needed lines in ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc # to activate conda initialization
mkdir py37
tar -xzf condapack_dahu_py37.tar.gz -C py37
source py37/bin/activate
chmod -R a+wrx py37 # to avoid error messages on permissions
ipython --version # for example, to check that it works
which python # check this gives the correct path
Then, each time you want to use the py37 environment, just do (or put this in your .bashrc):
source /ccc/work/cont003/<MYPROJECT>/<MYLOGIN>/py37/bin/activate