Here are provided a few basic git commands.

Cloning and updating an existing git repository

To clone an existing git repository:

git clone

Then, to update the content of your directory (i.e. if there have been changes in the cloned git repository):

git pull

Developing in a git environment (basic)

Here we assume that there is only one branch, the master branch, e.g. if you are the only developer of a simple repository.

To add one or all files to the git version control system:

git add [file_name]
git add -A

To attribute a revision hash (ID) when you have changed a file or all the files that are followed by git:

git commit -m 'explain what has been changed here' [file_name]
git commit -m 'explain what has been changed here' --all

At this stage, the revision is saved on your local computer, but not on the remote server (e.g. GitHub, GitLab,…).

To put save your latest on the remote server:

git push

To see which files have been added to git and which ones have been modified:

git status

To ignore files in the git repository (e.g. large files, intermediate compilation files, batch outputs,…):

echo "*.nc" >> .gitignore
echo "*.o"  >> .gitignore

To know what is the revision hash (ID) of previous commits on your machine, you can look at files in .git/logs or type:

git log --oneline

To retrieve a single file from a previous commit:

git checkout [revision_hash] [file_name]

To switch to a previous commit:

git checkout [revision_hash]

Then, you can go back to the master branch with:

git checkout master

Tagging specific revisions

You can tag a specific revision, which can be useful to point to the tools that have been used in a paper, or to easily switch to previous revisions (e.g. model versions):

git tag -a v3.9  -m "short description"  ## to tag current revision 
git tag -a v3.9  -m "short description"  [revision_hash]  ## to retrospectively tag a previous commit

You need to specify that you want to push these tags, it is not made by default:

git push --tags

You can delete a tag:

git tag -d v3.9

To switch to a previous tagged revision:

git checkout tags/v3.9