Ice sheets making their ways into ESMs
After many years of developments, Earth System Models start including interactive ice sheets, e.g. UKESM representing Greenland & Antarctica and their interactions with the global ocean and atmosphere and used for scenario-based projections. Interactions between climate and the Antarctic ice sheet are now represented regionally in the Belgian PARASO model and globally in the US E3SM model. Interactions with the Greenland ice sheet are also now represented in CESM2 thanks to a Netherlands-US collaboration and in EC-EARTH thanks to a European collaboration. Similar ongoing efforts in other institutes, like IPSL (Paris) and IGE (Grenoble) as part of the ESM2025 European project. Of course many things are yet to be improved in the aforementioned models, e.g. Greenlandic fjords and Antarctic grounding zone in coarse resolution ocean models, calving, icebergs, etc…