Here are the models that I have been using:
NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean), including the OPA ocean model, the SI3 sea ice model, as well as ice-shelf and iceberg modules.
Elmer/Ice, an open-source finite-element software for modelling the ice sheet and glacier dynamics.
MAR, a regional atmospheric model including a fine representation of polar processes.
WRF, a regional atmospheric model with numerous available physical parameterizations.
Some of these models have been coupled:
NEMO-Elmer/Ice, see Favier et al. (2019).
TANGO (NEMO-OASIS-MAR), developed by Jourdain et al. (2011), updated by Huot et al. (2022).
NOW (NEMO-OASIS-WRF), developed by Samson et al. (2014), used in Li et al. (2017,2020).