It can be convenient to read netcdf files in your fortran scripts, or to create fortran scripts to treat large netcdf files. For this, you can use the netcdf-fortran library.

Here is an example of very basic fortran program that can be used to read a netcdf file, create or modify a variable and create a new netcdf file that is similar to the first one: example.f90. And here is the corresponding netcdf file:

A way to compile and execute it (e.g. with the ifort compiler) is :

NC_INC="-I /apps/netcdf/"  ## to adapt
NC_LIB="-L /apps/netcdf/ -lnetcdf -lnetcdff" ## to adapt
ifort -c $NC_INC example.f90
ifort -o run_example example.o $NC_LIB

To find the netcdf path, you can do:

nc-config --libs
nc-configs --includedir

To install the netcdf and netcdf-fortran libraries yourself, check this page.