Installing Ferret
You can either install a pre-compiled version (example below for linux), or re-compile it yourself (example below for mac OSX).
Install a pre-compiled Ferret on linux
Here is an example for Ferret v6.93, which works on GRICAD’s luke:
mkdir /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
cd /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
tar xvzf fer_executables.tar.gz
tar xvzf fer_environment.tar.gz
# (1, 2, 3, q, x) --> 1
# FER_DIR --> /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
# 'fer_executables.tar.gz' location --> /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
mkdir fer_dsets
cd fer_dsets
wget wget
tar xvzf fer_dsets.tar.gz
cd ..
# (1, 2, 3, q, x) --> 2
# FER_DIR --> /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
# FER_DSETS --> /home/bob/ferret_v6.93/fer_dsets
# desired ferret_paths location --> /home/bob/ferret_v6.93
# ferret_paths link to create? (c/s/n) [n] --> s
echo ' ' >> ~/.bashrc
echo '# Ferret ' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="/home/bob/ferret_v6.93/bin:$PATH" ' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'source /home/bob/ferret_v6.93/ferret_paths ' >> ~/.bashrc
rm -f *gz fer_dsets/*gz
Install Ferret on mac OS-X
See latest documentation on
Assuming that you have installed homebrew, you can follow these steps to compile Ferret on you mac OSX.
xcode-select --install
Then, install (brew install) or upgrade (brew upgrade) gcc, readline, hdf5 and netcdf :
brew install gcc
brew install readline
brew install hdf5
brew install netcdf
Get Ferret:
mkdir git
git clone ~/git/Ferret
If you don’t want the latest release, check the available tagged versions here. For example, to get the 7.4.4 version, do:
git clone ~/git/Ferret --branch 7.4.4
Before installing Ferret, the people using anaconda may need to comment the lines that export PATH to include anaconda pathways in your .bashrc or .bash_profile (because this messes up the automatic config commands, e.g. nc-config) then to source your .bashrc or .bash_profile. Then, install Ferret:
cd ~/git/Ferret
cp -p
vi ## E.g. of choices (check on your system) :
# DIR_PREFIX = $(HOME)/git/Ferret
# BUILDTYPE = intel-mac
# INSTALL_FER_DIR = $(HOME)/Ferret-7.4.4
# NETCDF_LIBDIR = /usr/local/Cellar/netcdf/4.6.3_1/lib
# READLINE_LIBDIR = /usr/local/Cellar/readline/8.0.0_1/lib
cp -p external_functions/ef_utility/ external_functions/ef_utility/
vi external_functions/ef_utility/ ## put BUILDTYPE = intel-mac
make # takes a few minutes
make install
Then, get some datasets used by ferret:
cd ~/Ferret-7.4.4
mkdir fer_dsets
cd fer_dsets
gunzip fer_dsets_smaller.tar.gz
tar xvf fer_dsets_smaller.tar
rm -f fer_dsets_smaller.tar
Run Finstall to create the pathways:
cd ~/Ferret-7.4.4/bin
sudo ./Finstall
# Enter your choice:
# (1) Install executables, (2) Customize ferret_paths files, (3,q,x) Exit
# (1, 2, 3, q, x) --> 2
# Customize ferret_paths files...
# Enter the name of the directory where the 'fer_environment.tar.gz'
# file was installed/extracted (FER_DIR). The location recommended
# in the Ferret installation guide was '/usr/local/ferret'.
# FER_DIR --> /Users/jourdain/Ferret-7.4.4
# Enter the name of the directory where the 'fer_dsets.tar.gz'
# file was installed/extracted (FER_DSETS).
# FER_DSETS --> /Users/jourdain/Ferret-7.4.4/fer_dsets
# Enter the name of the directory where you want to place
# the newly created 'ferret_paths.csh' and ''
# files; for example, '/usr/local'.
# desired ferret_paths location --> /usr/local
# To duplicate behavior found in older version of Ferret, you can
# create a link (shortcut) 'ferret_paths' that refers to either
# 'ferret_paths.csh' or ''. This is simply a
# convenience for users and should only be done on systems where
# all Ferret users work under the same shell (such as tcsh or bash).
# The files 'ferret_path.csh' and '' can always be
# used regardless of the answer to this question.
# ferret_paths link options:
# c - link to ferret_paths.csh (all users work under tcsh, csh)
# s - link to (all users work under bash, dash, ksh, sh)
# n - do not create the link (use ferret_paths.csh or
# ferret_paths link to create? (c/s/n) [n] --> s
Then, run these two lines or add them to your .bashrc file or equivalent:
export PATH="/Users/jourdain/Ferret-7.4.4/bin:$PATH"
source /usr/local/ferret_paths